I recently got word that I’ve been selected to receive an incredibly nice honor–induction into the Photoshop Hall of Fame. I’ve hesitated to mention it for fear of sounding like a shameless little self promoter; on the other hand, it would be worse to seem ungrateful, so to all the folks at the National Association of Photoshop Professionals, thanks so much! I am honored indeed.
I do feel kind of sheepish about this–not through any false modesty, but because there are dozens of incredibly talented, hard-working folks who’ve logged many more years than I have on the Photoshop team, and who right now continue to gut it out in all kinds of unglamorous ways. I can flap my gums all day, but it’s their work that really makes the difference. They deserve the credit and exposure, so maybe I can get cranking on some profiles so that you can get to know more of the peeps behind PS. In the meantime, thanks, guys, for letting me represent you.
PS–Here’s a trippy little twist: having returned to O’Hare this morning to pick up luggage we’d abandoned at midnight (following an epic and awful rain-delayed flight with infant), I walked up behind none other than NAPP chiefs Scott Kelby and Dave Moser. I got to thank them in person for the honor and to wish them good shooting as they teach Chicago Bears bigwigs about sports photography.