Category Archives: Vids

Video: Image search in Photoshop Touch

“Grab two images, cut the background off one, and blend the results.” If I had to boil Photoshop Touch down to one capability or scenario, it’s that.

Acquiring images is therefore critical. That’s why we made it simple to drag & drop in images from Facebook, Creative Cloud, and even Google Images. Here Russell Brown composites some public-domain NASA imagery using different blending modes:

We want to help customers do the right thing (i.e. not rip off others’ work), so we paid particular attention to making it easy to search only for images that have been tagged for reuse. By default PS Touch limits search results to those creators have marked as okay to use.

[By the way, I’m still in LA, working the MAX show all day. I’ll get busy answering PS Touch-related questions when I get home.]