New blog from the Adobe installer team

A couple of months ago, some of the managers from the group that builds Adobe’s installer technologies posted their notes here.  Now they’ve started a dedicated blog in order to communicate more readily with customers.
From speaking to them, I know they’re eager for readers to be open and candid while recognizing the spirit that’s intended here: providing greater transparency, listening to the community and improving the experience for Adobe customers.

2 thoughts on “New blog from the Adobe installer team

  1. No one has commented on this posting, so I’d like to say I’ve been to that blog, posted on issues, and Eric Wilde has been VERY helpful and forthcoming, both online and in private emails, and he helped me to sort out a strange Acrobat Pro serial number problem. It’s an inherently difficult — and perhaps thankless! — job that Eric has taken on, so I’d like to say that it now seems Adobe, thanks to Eric Wilde, is finally taking the installation & activations issue very seriously — and that things will improve, both for CS4, in as far as that’s technically possible, and for further releases.

  2. Hi, About 3 hours ago the Adobe Acrobat Update manager came up and it indicated that there were 3 Acrobat updates to be downloaded. I downloaded the updates ( that went ok, not the fastest but ok ) The next step was to install the updates. I clicked install and the first update ( 7.0.8 ) started installing. Well….the windows progress bar moved across the window at a normal speed, then it stopped moving about 3/8″ from then end of the progress bar window and has stayed at that position for 3 hours now. The “progress ball” has continued to spin during this period with no change in the progress bar’s position.
    Something is way wrong with the Updater/ Installer. I’ve read many many posts of others who have had the same experience with the Updater/ Installer.
    I have a screen shot of the Updaters window that I can send you. It will not attach to this message window. Adobe has to correct this situation very soon.

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