I saw a number of complaints about the CAPTCHA system (i.e. the wavy text used to deter spam-bots) causing problems in the browser. The blogging admins have now switched it to use the more accessible “What’s 2+2” system I previously had installed. If you experience any problems with the new mechanism, please let me know (jnack at adobe.com, in case commenting isn’t working for you). Thanks.
An issue about captcha I don’t see discussed much is that it is very challenging for the aged and people with declining vision.
[That’s one reason I wanted to return to the system that you now see. It relies on simple questions, not weird-looking lettering. –J.]
My mother-in-law is an example. She’s in her mid-70s. Captcha on Yahoo is a big challenge for her that causes her a lot of frustration.
I understand the reason for it. π I have several spammer attempts each day on my site. I don’t use captcha. People have to register and then I have to review and unblock them. Their e-mail address has to be live.
[Unfortunately, when you work for a big multi-national company, things like requiring user registration become much more complicated. –J.]
This has kept the spammers off. But it’s a hassle for me and — more important — it can be several hours until they get activated. (I have to sleep sometimes. LOL.) That can discourage people from participating.
I think it’s Four!
Also, why don’t you guys switch to some better blogging engine?
Also #2, why the people at Adobe who really blog a lot, like you, don’t get a REALLY good blog engine, maybe custom made? I know that it could be a corporate drama, but by the freedom-of-speech, couldn’t you have your own blog? (I seriously do not know how is the corporate structure, and I do not know what your contract says π )
[Yeah, I don’t really know, either. For a long time the blogging infrastructure was run on an old Trash-80 powered by a half-dead hamster. I’m not kidding when I say it would take 5+ minutes for any change to appear on the live site. I’m just grateful to have gotten some nice upgrades in recent months. –J.]
Geez. I’ve tried posting before. I just thought you didn’t like what I had to say. Every time I had tried to post, even when I put in the correct answer, my posting was denied as SPAM.
If this works, I’ll be surprised.
Are you expecting a numeral or the number spelled out?
[Seems you guessed right. π –J.]
haha… I like the question a lot more than the captcha. I frequently find captchas to be hard to read.
I must have missed the CAPTCHA mechanism. I was posting back when you had us type in ‘photoshop’ and now it’s the sophisticated math problem I need a calculator for.
But all in all I like it better than the CAPTCHA stuff. Never have liked that at all.
I find at times when I hit sites like that I’ll refresh the page a dozen times before I find something legible to begin with that I know won’t be rejected.
Does Adobe provide any open source captcha solutions which can be used from java/jsp?