Photoshop Photography Program Now Available

I’m pleased to say that the $9.99/month limited-time offer for owners of Photoshop CS3-CS6 is now available. With it you get:

  • Photoshop CC
  • Lightroom 5
  • 20 GB of online storage
  • Behance ProSite (custom site/portfolio hosting)
  • Access to the online video tutorials in Creative Cloud

Per the original announcement, “To be clear, $9.99 is not an introductory price. It is the price for those of you who sign up by December 31, 2013.” (That is, the price is not set to rise after 12 months.)

25 thoughts on “Photoshop Photography Program Now Available

  1. strange.. or maybe not.. outside the USA there is not such offer for 9.99$.
    315 million people live in the usa…. outside 6.8 billion?

  2. Presumably Adobe will be making an announcement about access to files created in CC if customers stop subscribing, before the deadline you’ve set for the photography program is reached? Would seem a bit unfair to set this deadline for your customers otherwise.

  3. My understanding is that those already subscribing to Photoshop CC only will be automatically be subscribed to the Photoshop Photography Program. When will that happen? And how will it work for those who have a licensed version of LR 5.2?

      1. Hi Jeffrey,
        Is there a link online to this policy? I’m subscribed to Photoshop CC alone and want to ensure I’m enrolled for the Photography program (PSCC and LR). Thanks! Stephen

        1. Jeffrey (and all other PS CC only subscribers) – you should now be able to click on your Creative Cloud application and scroll down through the list of apps; Lightroom should appear there.

  4. To be fair to Adobe the price is much more inline with someone who upgrades with each new version of Photoshop and resolves the very real issue that the original pricing of Photoshop on CC was too much of an increase (and which which was insulting to their existing customers)
    I still have reservations about the robustness of Adobe’s licensing servers having heard of real life breaks in production because of login issues and of course one day cashflow may mean Im up the creek without a perpetual paddle, still 1 down 2 to go…

  5. I just don’t understand why it isn’t worked like a cell phone contract. Sign up for Creative Cloud subscription and then you are under ‘contract’ for 2 years (or however long the term is). If you pull out before the term is up, you have two options, pay nothing and you have no license any more, or pay a penalty for pulling out early and you’ll get a perpetual license to whatever is installed on your machine when you unsubscribed. The real benefit for the CC subscription is the ongoing updates and improvements, so this method keeps the incentive to Adobe to continue to innovate, and it gives users an exit strategy for getting out of the subscription and keeping access to their own work. If this one fear alone was allayed then CC would get a lot more subscribers I’m sure, which would increase Adobes monthly income dramatically, making it even more feasible. I can’t see any downsides to this model, to me this is a win all around.

  6. IT IS NOT 9.99$ outside the USA.. not even close.
    stop making bullshit marketing with something that only applies to the US marktet.

    1. $9.99 is *the ongoing price* (It’s not a first year only offer). There are no plans to increase the price for foreseeable future. We can’t say it won’t ever go up to account for inflation, etc.

      1. Hi Jeffrey – I would love to see that in writing somewhere, because the writing I saw in fine print from the emails Adobe sent out yesterday that I referenced in my blog post clearly state the opposite of what you said.

  7. Why isn’t there something similar for Premiere Pro and Encore? There are lots in the CC that many videographers don’t need.

  8. @Stephen: Maybe because Encore is not supported anymore… just joking… if they would allow something similar for other tools may people wouldn’t need the suite…

  9. My concern is that although I am now a full subscriber to CC at he $50/month rate, when I retire from my printing business in two years, after a quarter century as a loyal Adobe customer, this quite acceptable offer will no longer apply, because I didn’t sign up by the end of this year. Hardly seems like a fair way to treat those of us who do use the full subscription model now but later will only need PS and LR.

  10. Can you explain me why for adobe $9,99 (without taxes) makes 9,99 Euro (without taxes as well )
    wich is the price they sell it in europe !!!
    Why can’t I paid it in US dollar ?? I know banks are thiefs but Adobe does it even better !!!
    You want the cloud. You force us to the cloud. Ok. But in this case be fair and assume the drawback as well… One world, one cloud, one price ….
    This kind of thing would really make me reconsider my judgement considering your CC politics. Don’t waste your supporting beeing too greedy..

  11. Am curious: I thought that in Europe there is a VAT (value added tax) that is on everything and included in the price so that in a sense you don’t know you are paying it.
    and to those wondering about the ‘wording’ related to the cost of the new PS program, all companies reserve the right to increase the price some day. That is all the statement in the ‘fine print’ says, and it is completely different from what Jeffery is saying; i.e. not related at all.

  12. What about those of us with CSx Production Premium or Design Premium? We seem to have no choice to mantain just what we have been using. We are being forced to get the complete package to stay current. Adobe… this is not good.

  13. I’m sure I’m not alone in wishing there were a special deal for those that already have Lightroom 5. I can do $9.99 a month for Photoshop alone. $19.99 is too much for just one app.

  14. THANK YOU !
    $9.99 in the US €9.99 in Europe + VAT that seems fair to me.
    Next step, packages for web designers and print designers.
    With a price range between $19.99 and $29.99 it would allow access to all of those who can’t afford the full CC price and don’t care about the extra apps.
    Anyway for me this look like a big step in the right direction and I subscribed immediately to show my support.

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