Adobe salutes "The New Creatives"

From Design Taxi:

To commemorate the passing of 1 million subscribers on its subscription-based service Creative Cloud, Adobe—with the help of ad agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners—has released a new, eye-catching ad that pays tribute to “the new creatives”.
“Creatives today do a little bit of everything, from illustration to filmmaking to Web design,” said the agency’s associate creative director Will Elliot. “We wanted the spot to celebrate how all these different disciplines are coming together.”



6 thoughts on “Adobe salutes "The New Creatives"

  1. …..and the old creatives didn’t do anything? sorry guys but the old creatives taught the new ones to get back to doing everything instead of specializing. Cost productivity, continuity, etc, etc, etcetera(in klingon)

  2. Well, I remember being young… clients not paying within months, people trying to beat down prices and I was so happy to finally update my students license to a commercial one.
    But I had time to save the money, today, I would have to provide a cheque every month to Adobe even without having enough (balancing food or software?)… the new creatives have to learn quicker, be more amenable… not sure if this is good for their creativity and health…

    1. It hasn’t changed in that respect. Now clients just don’t pay, the chinese beat everybodys price, and you can buy a license on line for 49.95, and instead of balancing they move in with mom and dad and filch off them.

      1. You are even more realistic than I am 🙂 On a general scale: the really interesting thing will happen when the next generation has kids – these kids of today and adults thencan’t help them…

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