To echo my teammates, thanks for the amazingly warm reception!
PM data whiz Chris Perry has posted 11 interesting insights into what & where people shoot most often, what they search for (babies! dogs! duh :-)), and more. My favorite detail: “We’ve freed up 3,720 terabytes of storage. That’s like filling up a 16GB phone with photos every day for 637 years.”
This scale of user community is such a change for me. My work on Photoshop would reach a couple of million people, and I loved knowing that many of them would use a given enhancement dozens or even hundreds of times per day. At Google the work can reach orders of magnitude more people, but naturally the average person’s use will be far more casual. Both kinds of impact can be very satisfying—just very different.
More great stuff is on its way, and comments & questions are always welcome. Onward!
Hi John,
one thing I recognised recently in Google Photos is a lot of duplicates. They mainly appear when my family uploads fotos to an album that includes them already. Most of the time this are low res copies that they had as a whatsapp picture copy on their device. So it would be great if duplicates could be deleted and if the deleted ones are the low res versions.
At the moment I download the whole album look for the pics with less than 200 kb and upload it again to google photos.
Thanks Florian
I am using Google Photos for the ultimate backup, i have several copies of all my photos, and i am also uploading a “free sized” copy to Google Photos. And i am well into 100 off thousands.
My only complaint is speed, not really a complaint since the price it pretty much unbeatable 🙂 But i think that browsing, scrolling etc see the pictures loads a bit slow compared to other websites with heavy photo galleries. Even on a 100+ mbit connection.