Hmm—I wonder how this tech (available from Topaz for $99) compares to the RAISR technology we shipped a couple of years ago.
Hmm—I wonder how this tech (available from Topaz for $99) compares to the RAISR technology we shipped a couple of years ago.
I was wondering the same thing, I thought the best way to judge was to try both on the same image. I did manage to download the Gigapixel software and install it and saw a reference to a trial mode in the software but could not get it to work or enable the trial mode.
Not keen on spending $99 on an unknown quantity with no proper access to the test images, perhaps the software makers lack the confidence to allow potential users to compare?
I have just uninstalled/reinstalled AI Gigapixel and it now has given me 30 days to trial. Initial tests against Photoshop CC Preserve details V2 look very promising. (I was referring to “both” in my initial post when I should have been more specific and said Photoshop CC) would be good to compare these results to RAISR if a link could be provided.
Thanks for the details!
John, I can’t find how to test RASIR.
Yeah—I’m afraid that despite my efforts to the contrary, we haven’t (AFAIK) offered it as a direct end-user-facing tool, vs. just using it inside apps to save bandwidth. If that changes I’ll let you know!
Thanks for letting us know John. It would be good to add a fourth sample to this lineup:
if it improves on AI Gigapixel then Im in!