4 thoughts on “NVIDIA Canvas update: 4x higher res & new materials

  1. Not specific to any post John. Just a huge thank you for another year of my favorite blog. You cover so many things I enjoy as a pre-beta user of Photoshop as Barneyscan thru to teaching it for 20 years. You always find cool things to relate to us as well as the great insights into your family especially your son and his interests. Keep it up Please.
    Have a great year.

    A huge fan!!

    Clay White

    1. Oh wow—thank you so much, Clay (and Bob); that just makes my day! Honestly I have no idea who still reads this blog, so I’m really pleased to hear that it still offers some value to the offbeat crew that still shows up. 🙂 Thanks for some very nice encouragement to take into 2022!

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