Good Evening, Mr. and Mrs. America & All the Ships at Sea…

So, it’s time I stepped up and got this blog of mine rolling. First, a basic intro: I’m John Nack & am insanely lucky to work as a product manager for Adobe Photoshop. (If I wake up to find I’m actually still slinging breadsticks at the Olive Garden in South Bend, Indiana, well, it was fun while it lasted.) Prior to joining the ‘Dobe five years ago to work on LiveMotion 2, I was a Flash and graphic designer at AGENCY.COM New York.
What’s my plan? I’ll blog as often as seems useful on things relating to Photoshop, imaging, and the Suite. I aim to be brief and keep things interesting (All Killer, No Filler). Updates are likely to be erratic for a while at least, so subscribing to the RSS feed seems like a good idea.
Being new to all this, I’d be grateful for your input on what you’d like to see in this space. Comments should be up and running, or you can drop me a note: jnack {at}
Now, let’s begin.

0 thoughts on “Good Evening, Mr. and Mrs. America & All the Ships at Sea…

  1. Ok, what’s the REAL STORY on Tiny Elvis & the bicep kissing…your fans need to know!
    And yes, be careful with your answer, the odds are it _WILL_ show up on PhotoshopNews!

  2. Hoo boy, this is going to be fun! We can talk to the man in charge!
    Hey, CS2 is the best thing yet since I started using Photoshop at work way back in ’92! My productivity has skyrocketed.
    What would I like to see here? How about some insight into what’s going on in the digital photography world (DNG, ACR having to deal with so many RAW formats, etc.).
    And what we can do to help Adobe establish DNG as cornerstone to the future of archival digital image files, allowing photographers to maintain control of their intellectual property, and not letting it be subverted by proprietary nonsense.
    You know, nothing big, just the usual stuff. πŸ™‚

  3. I think the idea is great, particularly as Photoshop is becomming like a drug and I need a bit now and again.
    However will someone out there kindly tell me what a BLOG is!

  4. Yes, Jeff, make him talk!
    And you have not yet mentionned “those” pictures you took of him at the office. We’ll know everything soon. (Yark yark yark)
    I look forward to read your posts, Tiny E. πŸ˜‰

  5. Good move. I think the more we know about Adobe’s plans that can be exposed to the community, the better. Eric mentioned helping to get DNG adopted (and I worked on getting some standards adopted by the ISO community in the early 90’s, tough job). I for one would agree. Standards are usually committee efforts and normally receive no input from the public. This probably needs to be different for DNG. Let us know.

  6. Hi John,
    It is nice to see a public spot has been allocated for ya!
    I look forward to checking it out.
    Hope all is well with you…

  7. From my mouth to Photoshops’ ears….. how cool is that???
    This is a great thing.
    So long as I do have your ear…..
    FWIW I would really love it if you could add a 15 pixel brush between the 10 and 20 when using the brackets to change brush size. For some reason when retouching hi res people files @ 100% I seem to need this size (or something in between) 50-100 times a day or more.
    All the best with this new endeavor, I too am a huge PS addict,err,…ahem, fan.
    ps: a kiss or where you checking your adobeodorant

  8. Hey John, good to see your online debut, if Im not mistaken, were you not on the liveMotion team? That would explain your knowledge of Flash!

  9. FWIW I would really love it if you could add a 15 pixel brush between the 10 and 20 when using the brackets to change brush size. For some reason when retouching hi res people files @ 100% I seem to need this size (or something in between) 50-100 times a day or more.
    All the best with this new endeavor, I too am a huge PS addict,err,…ahem, fan.

  10. John Nack, You are good at lying. I tried to download Adobe Reader 9.0; 9.3.2 etc. All I get are updates, you have Adobe Reader on your sites (really an update) and same from says: Adobe Reader 9.3.4 and that is also only an update!! There is not an Adobe Reader for that is a lie – you just used the old icon for it from the real Adobe Reader. Your staff is retarded and there is another problem with 9.3.4 already. So I have installed Foxit Reader to replace what I cannot get from Adobe. Darrell Lewis

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