NASA’s JPL has surveyed the public & posted the favorite photos of Saturn taken by the Cassini-Huygens mission. You can see more from their collection here. [Via] And if you’d like to try your own hand at photographing the planet, see’s advice on how to Capture the Lord of the Rings (with a little help from Photoshop).
The space connection keeps reminding me of a drive-by beat-down administered to the band Train (the guys who brought you "Drops of Jupiter," and who have apparently sold four million albums–to whom, no one knows): "Watching her cry, I knew Benchley had hit bottom. I had reached the mythical state of total anti-rock, which I call ‘Train,’ after the band. When the head of every drum is torn, and all guitars out of tune, when the microphone melts in your hand, that’s Train, and I was in Train all the way up to my drops of Jupiter."
Is there any way to grab that as a high resolution image? It’s an awesome photo, and I can’t imagine why NASA wouldn’t have a high quality version of it.
[Ask and ye shall receive> 😉 –J.]