The Adobe Design Center shimmies into some new content:
* New Dialog Box:
- The Art & Science of CSS: Create inspirational standards-based web design by
Cameron Adams, Jina Bolton, David Johnson, Steve Smith, & Jonathan Snook
* New Tutorials:
- Using Flash for the first time – Part 2: Adding symbols, animation, and ActionScript by Jen deHaan
- Migrating from FreeHand to Illustrator by Mordy Golding
- Create CD or DVD labels easily using Photoshop and ready-to-print PDF templates by Pariah S. Burke
- Create a fireworks effect using After Effects by Bob Donlon
* New White Papers:
- Color management workflow in After Effects
- Color Workflows for Adobe Creative Suite 3
- Adobe PDF in Creative Workflows
- PDF/X files in Adobe Creative Suite
- A designer’s guide to transparency for print output
- Transparency in Adobe applications: A print production guide
- Adobe InDesign CS3 conversion guide: A hands-on resource for switching from Quark to InDesign CS3
- Adobe InDesign CS3 and XML: A technical reference
Also, check out some of the 970+ Adobe links on Info on how to contribute links is here. [Via]