I’ve seen some requests for Adobe TV to add HTML5 video playback support. That’s indeed in the works, though I don’t have a schedule to share.
In the meantime, Adobe’s photo- and video-sharing site, Photoshop.com, has added HTML5 video support. Here’s a random video* you can check out on play on any device that supports Flash or H.264-encoded HTML5 video.
Elsewhere, the Dreamweaver team has released the HTML5 Video Player widget. The widget leverages both browser support & Flash Player as needed to ensure playback:
Code generated from the widget plays video in the best possible player for the requested platform using a range of video codecs. Based on the Kaltura open source library, the HTML5 Video Player widget is fully cross-browser compatible with support for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera. [Update: technical details here.]
I have to say, all this absurd zero-sum “Flash vs. HTML5 video” stuff makes me laugh (which is better than making me angry, as it used to do). [Background: H.264 isn’t an alternative to Flash] Flash is a big reason that H.264 is ascendant, because by serving H.264 video, publishers can reach 98% of desktop machines through Flash, and reach non-Flash-enabled devices via HTML5. Do you think we’d see that uptake if the content were viewable by only the <15% that use Chrome or Safari? “Flash remains the dominant player within desktop environments,” and now viewers & publishers have more choices about how to use video online. That’s all good. (Er, I mean, it’s all bad and Flash is doomed; sorry, I went off script there for a minute.)
At the end of the day, you want to watch what you want, on whatever device you want. Through its publishing tools, servers, and players, Adobe’s working to get you what you want.
*In case you’re curious, Photoshop.com PM Jordan Davis was decorating his baby son’s room & experimenting with time lapse creation.
bravo, really smart and fast retaliation. seems to go into the right direction.
but, as far from reelseo thought: Right now I feel that the HTML5 player possibilities are a fragmented mess. Every one is building their own stuff for it.
I hope this thingie will not become a bitches brew.
By the way John: why does the tab-key always moves this page here back to top?
I like your spirit John, and I used to like this blog. But it’s become a Flash Victimization festival lately with more disclaimers than lawyer’s goddam prenup. I can’t take it, and I’m leaving you. So there.
[What a loss for me. –J.]
Not sure if this is the kind of spot for Adobe TV requests, but I wonder if having a mobile app of the Adobe Media Player might be better than having HTML5 video player. That way people can download videos at home/work with wifi access, rather than use up their data plan when on the move. That also makes a better viewing experience the connection isn’t the greatest.
Where ever I go to read something about HTML5 and learn more I found articles like “HTML5 vs Flash”. Then I get scared from all that frustration that I don’t understand. Why the HTML5 and Flash can’t coexist, HTML5 developers wish to exile Flash or something?
Cool! And agree with you on the player thing, but the fact you need to remember is that when videos are reproduced using HTML5 then in reality the browser becomes the player and not a plugin… That means a more native and hw efficient experience.
Flash is a great choice for videos because it’s a de-facto standard. For users and webdeveloppers, this is really great (only one way to see online videos is better than .mov plugin .flv plugin .avi plugin .ram plugin and so on).
With H.264 and HTML5, I hope the standards battle will not begin once again : please, think about users first…
Personally I think the biggest issue with Flash is security. Adobe in the past has been slow to plug security holes in its products(think Acrobat as well as Flash). It’s also well documented that Flash can be problematic for website developers, with issues around SEO and usability. Apart from whether you agree with Steve Jobs or not as to whether Flash causes most of the crashes on Macs, all I can say as both a long-time Mac and OC user, my personal experience is that this is the case.
For more on these issues see http://www.antezeta.com/blog/flash-problems