Configurator 3 is coming for CS6

I’m pleased to say that Adobe Configurator, the easy, drag-and-drop tool for creating panels for Photoshop and InDesign, is being revved for CS6 & is due to arrive when CS6 ships for real (i.e. not as a beta).  Among the new features in development:

  • Supports Photoshop CS5/5.1 and CS6
  • Supports InDesign CS5/5.5 and CS6
  • Supports the new dynamic color theme switching (dark backgrounds) in Photoshop CS6
  • Lets you migrate existing Configurator 2 panels to create both CS5- & CS6-compatible panels
  • Launches much more quickly than Configurator 2
  • Renews a focus on tutorials, offering easy leveraging of exiting HTML, video and audio content–great for developers, trainers and general users

The new version of Configurator is required for converting Configurator-made panels for CS4 and CS5 to run in CS6. If you need access to it now, please visit the Configurator forum & drop a note to Jonathan Ferman & team.

7 thoughts on “Configurator 3 is coming for CS6

    1. It’s your Knowledge panel! You fill it with you tools and links and we are working on a great new way to share these panels. More information on that soon…
      Jonathan Ferman | Product Manager, Adobe

    1. Hi Simon,
      Until recently the Illustrator architecture made it practically impossible to support the components we needed access to in Configurator. We are working closely with the Illustrator team to see if we they can provide us what we need but I am afraid this work is too late for Configurator 3 or CS6 but we are investigating and it’s great to know that you want Illustrator support as it makes the work all the more viable and valuable.
      Jonathan Ferman | Product Manager, Adobe

      1. For me personally, apologizing always seem harder than trying to make it better.
        If you cannot make it possible to unify your main creative suite software, why you guys just don’t give up creating software at all?
        Your moaning for the last decade is hurting my ears and my blood pressure.
        Architecture? What architecture? have you built the whole carbon to cocoa switch on top of old code?
        Sounds like a restauration of an old painting by Michelangelo. The problem is: you guys are not Michelangelo.

      2. Please make Illustrator support a priority for Configurator in CS7.
        The newly “redesigned” panels in Illustrator CS6 are an absolute nightmare of wasted space. I’ve been forced to rearrange my entire workspace because the panels no longer fit in the arrangement I’ve been using for many years now. The Color panel is a particularly egregious example: even with the color well collapsed as small as it’ll go, the panel is now 67 pixels taller than it was before, with ZERO new functionality gained for all that wasted space. The Align panel is quite bad too. It has the exact same set of controls as before, but the new panel is 39 pixels taller, for absolutely no reason.
        Given the now longstanding trend of Illustrator’s UI getting progressively worse with every major new version, I would really, really appreciate the ability to fix the problem myself. So yeah…please add Illustrator support in Configurator for CS7. For now I’ll just have to put up with the needless disruption to my workflow.

  1. Hi, I always appreciate the info you give.The Configurator is something I use and makes things run more efficiently. I have been using CS6 beta, and found the new features to be great. A question I have is, when opening a file and the window comes up the enable option has to be set every time. I there a way to have it set to all documents? It remained set in CS5.
    Best, Leo

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