In 3 minutes Dave Cross demos the new “scripted fill” options that can apply an object randomly, symmetrically, in a spiral, and more:
[Via Andrew Kavanagh]
In 3 minutes Dave Cross demos the new “scripted fill” options that can apply an object randomly, symmetrically, in a spiral, and more:
[Via Andrew Kavanagh]
A much needed feature but implemented in the worst possible way.
I’ll stick to firing up After Effects and using Particular when I want to randomise some layers like that.
[What in particular would you like to see changed about the PS implementation? –J.]
Guys, there are working some super smart, university degrree mathematicians and programmers for Adobe, and all you can bring up is the same lame pattern contextual menu – just with an extra options.
Really, everytime you are posting stuff like that, i’m just baffled.
There is no new dialogue been programmed for creating patterns, no real time friggling, whizz-bang HUD, nothing at all?
“arrange >> klick ok >> don’t like it >> UNDO >> start from scratch” …
John you don’t even know Trapcode Particular, and you probably don’t know After Effects, and you probbly never used 3D in PS (which support fo AE you have removed unfortunately) so you won’t even dream about what control panel i would have added if i would work for adobe.
Asking a product manager for features is quite the wrong way!
Sorry to say that, but that’s what we are celebrating since “Dear Adobe”.
You haven’t got the point what users really want. Not because you are not listening, you guys just don’t understand how your software should work perfectly. Probably the lazyness could be another factor. But that seems to be normal. Like Soccer players get tired, ignorant and arrogant the more famous they become.
You have all the resources, but no ideas. But good marketing gags. Congrats for another wrong directed and finally useless implemented feature.
Drop me a mail if you need someone at SF headquarters who is going to lead you into the right direction. I’d do less blogging for Adobe itself and spend more time researching the world wide web about people who have the best ideas for PS GUI and feature implemetations.
Forums and Blogs outthere are waiting for you.
It’s like finding money on the streets.
Looks very promising. Looking forward to this.
I agree, the idea is great it’s just that the implementation is a bit rigid. It would be useful to have parameter control over the scripts so that one could adjust the look interactively. Additionally these controls should be available within the pattern fill layer dialogs and layer styles/pattern overlay so that they could be applied non-destructively and stored/recalled for future use.
I have a traditional Photoshop script that brings up a dialog for entering parameters that are then sent to a pattern script. Not the ideal solution, but it works. It also saves the parameters to the layer metadata, so they can be recalled them for later use.
It would be nice if it there were a built in way to make sliders and checkboxes and such with as little hassle as possible… like how Pixel Bender works.
Nice that there have been changes in working with patterns both PS and AI! Ai even offers offers an attractive wysiwyg workspace.
Still I find the situation tragically messed up from the perspective of a 3D Modeller who egularly needs seamless >8Bit per Channel maps for Geometry-Deformation in digital Rendering.
I was really looking forward trying the new Pattern-Workspace in Ai but I had to find out that nobody had thought about making output possible as high-bitdepth images (and let it be by passing the pattern as Shapes over to Photoshop first and to save as image from here). As nice as AI’s pattern creation is: One definedly remains stuck in the 2D world.
PS on the other hand features neither advanced vectors nor wysiwyg pattern-creation. Unfortunetely there’s no option to import already tiling content from AI as vectors.
From PS however – one can indeed export beautifully smooth 16 Bit gradients as they are
required for displacement-maps in rendering and for alphas in digital sculpting (not exactly
a small market btw.). So whatever is supposed to be tiling and planned as a tool to deform
3D-Geometry still needs to be created by hand inside PS.
This is probably somewhat much content for a comment but I’d gladly respond if you dropped
me an Email.