Bryan O’Neil Hughes has recorded a new course on tuning Photoshop performance for your particular workflow. Watching the whole thing requires a membership, but Bryan points out that Lynda offers trial memberships.
Bryan O’Neil Hughes has recorded a new course on tuning Photoshop performance for your particular workflow. Watching the whole thing requires a membership, but Bryan points out that Lynda offers trial memberships.
ok, I’ll try it. The CC has a different feel to it then the CS6. The CC is sluggish. That may be configuration, I hope.I have to admit it is overall better. I am happy we did this, but learning all of it is harder than I thought. I think the code writers were younger for CC than CS6. I am going to reach for the olympics, than Russell’s ADIM14. than Kelby’s Atlanta thing. At 63 I wouldn’t have tried it without something like CC to create a saleable movie and still show. I need sponsors?? anyone??
“What would I do if I knew I could not fail? This.
Or one could get the same or better (and non-biased) information for FREE via diglloyd’s Mac Performance Guide:
Photoshop CS6 Optimization (4 pages)
Mac Performance Guide (9 pages)
Other Articles and Reviews
[Thanks for the links. Diff’rent strokes for diff’rent folks. –J.]
After working with the trial offer with, I am very happy with it, no b.s., to the point well thought out and covers everything. I just might pay the 35/mo to keep it through winter. Didn’t see one add or plug from Bryan either.
unbiased? well, in your first link Diglloyd is a shill for QWC (we ONLY recommend this drive or that memory…) plus it is 9 tiny pages so that you get to see a lot of ads, and of the 9 pages, maybe one or 2 are not common knowledge
This does not encourage me to use time to click your other links