Zoom Zoom: Google+ editor adds HDR, zooming

Snapseed has been a critical part of my mobile imaging workflow since its release, and after joining Google, the Nik team brought it to the Web. (Yes, you can use Snapseed-style editing right in your browser.) Just this weekend the team rolled out new features. André Meyer writes,

1. HDR Scape

With HDR Scape you can apply high dynamic range (HDR) effects to a single image, with a single click. HDR Scape is currently available in the Snapseed apps for Android and iOS, and today’s update brings the filter to Google+ on the web. You can see some examples here.

2. Zoom

Seeing your images up close is an important part of the editing process — from checking the focus point, to seeing how the “Drama” filter has changed your pixels. With today’s update, you can now use the magnifying glass to zoom in or out.

To give either feature a try, just open one of your photos on Google+ (using the Chrome browser), and click “Edit.” And if you say, “I don’t have images on Google+,” I’ll point out that Google will automatically back up all your images from iOS or Android. You can enjoy the free backup (and automatic enhancements, etc.) without needing to share those images publicly.

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