“A rapid-fire, zero-gravity chicken blaster”: The latest in Character Animator

You’re the puppet now, dog: Designer, illustration, and natural-born showman Dave Werner does his best Strongbad (or is it Triumph?) impression in this altogether charming (and Bronie-tastic) live demo of the latest from Adobe Character Animator: 


If & when Dave does Trogdor, my life will be complete. [YouTube]

One thought on ““A rapid-fire, zero-gravity chicken blaster”: The latest in Character Animator

  1. Hey John, maybe you could share some tips about how to work with Google Backup & Sync?

    I’ve been using the Google Photo Uploader until today when I got a notification that it was being retired and I should switch to Backup & Sync. I tried that, but it’s been a real mess.

    I had been using the old uploader to upload from an external drive where I store Lightroom catalogs, random documents, etc. in addition to actual photos. The new Backup & Sync app wants to upload *everything* from my external drive, and put it into plain old Google Drive folders, not into Google Photos.

    The only option I see in the new Backup & Sync app is “Upload newly added photos and videos to Google Photos” (yes or no). From where? I don’t want it to arbitrarily scan my hard drive and upload everything it finds. How can I just keep doing what I did with the Photo Uploader app?

    It seems the system has completely broken from the way I’ve been using it, and I’m not the only one. Check out this discussion:


    This is really unfortunate. I’ve been uploading a lot of stuff for a long time, and it seems as of today I can’t anymore (at least, not in a way I can control). I guess I can manually upload photos, but that seems like a pain.

    Maybe you guys at Google could consider an alternate workflow to “upload whatever pictures we run across on your hard drive”.

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