Groovy Photoshop brushes & rendering techniques

  • Designer Jason Gaylor has created a handy, stylish set of Fresh Foliage Brushes (Vol. II) for Photoshop. If those are up your alley, see also Vol. I of the same set, as well as Jason’s graffiti brushes and worn brushes (Volumes I, II, and III). [Via] (For more on worn brushes & distressing images, see previous entry.)
  • Putting brushes into action, automotive designer Jonathan Tatum shares some of his moves. Seeing details pop into existence from step to step suggests a big equation with “And then a miracle occurs” hidden among the steps. (For more on automobile rendering, see also Kevin Hulsey’s techniques.)
  • 0 thoughts on “Groovy Photoshop brushes & rendering techniques

    1. I have been unable to download your brushes. I’ve located them through searching but can’t locate them in the Adobe file where I sent them. I’ve looked into the brush file where I thought I sent them, but they are not there. Obviously I don’t know what I’m doing. After down loading them I opened the file and it was in a notebook pad filled with symbols. Can you help me. Thanks
      [I’m afraid I don’t know what’s going wrong here. You should be able to locate a link to a .ABR file (the brushes), then right click it and choose “Save as Source.” Once it comes down to your desktop (or wherever), double-clicking it should load it in Photoshop. –J.]

    2. I was looking at another brush download site and realized I had to unzip the file. I downloaded the Winzip program and followed the the Wizard’s instructions. And now am having fun with your beautiful foliage brushes.

    3. Hey, i just glanced at the site, and i just wanna say the banner is proper creative and i really love it. Awsome job dude.
      [Thanks! –J.]

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