New Adobe vids: Russell Brown, Layers, & more

  • Adobe’s Russell Brown has teamed up with xTrain to create Dr. Brown’s Photoshop Laboratory.  For more on the free classes they’re doing together, check out the xTrain site.  Here are direct links to his recent tutorials on 3D, Black & White, and video in Photoshop CS3.
  • Russell has posted a whole set of video experiments created using PSCS3 Extended in Dr. Brown’s Video Gallery.
  • Layers Magazine has launched Layers TV–"The How-To Podcast for Everything Adobe." Hosted by Cory Barker and “RC” Concepcion, the podcasts are also available via iTunes.
  • Hitting the century mark and going stronger than ever, the NAPP‘s Photoshop User TV celebrates its 100th episode.  Congrats, guys! Thanks for rocking out to make such a great community resource.
  • And, perhaps hiding right under your nose, the Flash-powered Bridge Home (part of Adobe Bridge CS3–see screenshot) delivers info and training content (including more than 200 CS videos) right to your desktop.  Seems that someone is discovering the service, however: according to manager Jennifer Deming, Bridge Home racked up more than 125,000 unique visitors this month.  More info on Bridge Home is in Terry White’s podcast.

0 thoughts on “New Adobe vids: Russell Brown, Layers, & more

  1. Referring to the videos from Russell Brown and others, if you use the promo code “gio” when you sign up, you’ll get 15% off the monthly subscription. 😉
    [Thanks for the tip. –J.]

  2. All this is fine and dandy but is entirely superfluous to your Users’ real needs which are:
    1. Efficient and reliable software — which Photoshop and its broken printing engine is NOT;
    [You know we’re working on the problem, don’t you, Ann? You should, as I’ve told you so more than once, and we’ve even invited you to provide feedback on the process. Have you responded? –J.]
    2. Efficient and User-friendly Support — which the appalling new Forums are NOT.
    [I’m looking into the forum situation. –J.]
    I am sorry John, but it is now time for you to quit playing around with Blogs and silly Logos and do the job that we, your customers, are paying you to do — namely FIX THE MESS that you and your team have made of formerly great software and a formerly great company.
    [Yes, Ann, you’re so right: if I weren’t spending my time trying to make myself (and by extension my team) available at all hours to customers (like you), everything would be perfect. Thanks, as always, for the support and encouragement. –J.]

  3. Ann seems bitter John, but then again I am a regular kool-aid drinker. Didn’t know about Layers podcast. Not a huge fan of the mag, but it is needed. Always put your keyboard where your mouth is I say, and maybe instead of complaining, I should write an article for Layers. I have a great idea on CSS visually via Dreamweaver, and a Design for Developers article.
    To Ann, there are things all of us would love changed about Photoshop. My 2 cents is there are a ton of things that could be got rid of to make room for new features.
    Hopefully MAX this year will be on a whole new bunch of kool-aid drinkers. As a AUGM, ACI and Community Expert, they are making a focus on showcasing the user groups, which will go a long way for Adobe. Better informed users is always good.

  4. I don’t mean to hijack a thread just to bitch and I understand the need to be civil – but – I feel Ann’s pain on both her points. Printing in CS3/WIN is only a bit less difficult than trying to navigate the new Forums. It reminds me of the rollout of “New” Coke so many years ago. I hope Adobe’s talented staff has the strength to withstand the ill will generated by these flawed efforts. We can use CS2 to circumvent poor printing, but what about the forums? It’s a shame (and a marketing disaster in the works) to see such an excellent resource for Adobe users get sooo messed up.
    Good Luck! TLL

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