Saturday Science: Great photos of Earth, Mars, & beyond’s new feature The Big Picture dispenses with traditional peanut-sized Web photos and showcases great images in the news.  Site designer/developer/writer/photo editor Alan Taylor talks about his brainchild and how it came to be. [Via]  Lately they’ve been harvesting the best photos that billions of tax dollars can buy:


  • The Sky, From Above features gorgeous shots of the Space Shuttle at liftoff, as well as of thunderstorms over the American Midwest and more.  [Via]
  • In Martian Skies, you can view panoramas from Mars and watch dust devils skittering across the Martian landscape.
  • The site also features a retrospective of some of the great images sent back home by the Cassini space probe over the past four years. [Via]

On related notes, apparently the Mars Phoenix rover is broadcasting via Twitter.  Also, NASA’s new space suit design looks rather trim & buff.  I kind of miss the human Jiffy Pop bag look, though.

One thought on “Saturday Science: Great photos of Earth, Mars, & beyond

  1. Do you know of a site that shows the earth from different aspects of space. I lost the website and wanted to forward it to a friend. Thanks.

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