Recently I’ve happened across a few resources that may be of interest:
- PSDTUTS offers great Photoshop tutorials in a beautifully designed wrapper. They also host interviews (e.g. one with Peter Jaworoski) with inspiring artists. Paid membership gets you access to source files and more.
- Design Reviver is geared towards Web design, offering tips like how to design icons in Illustrator and 350+ brushes, textures, and fonts in the aptly named "Massive Hand Drawn Roundup."
- To create The Full Montage, author Steve Caplin "has spent the last two years photographing, processing and preparing images" that work really well in image composites. The readymade set, using Smart Objects & warps to enable mapping objects onto surfaces, looks particularly interesting. Royalty-free pieces are for sale on the site.
- LiveSurface offers a large library of images ready for use with Photoshop’s Vanishing Point filter. Files "are pre-masked, layered and have embedded 3D surfaces."
- PresetsHeaven is all about sharing high quality development presets for Lightroom. For more, see previous.
Thanks for these sites. I have used some before, but have new ones thanks to you.
Ken in KY
PSDTUTS is a nice collection superb tutorials. The quality and details of each tutorial have made them standout.
Thank you John, for mentioning my site! Kudos for you!
Can the LR team work on the below suggestions so we can use it at photo shoots:?
-A plug-in for a Leaf AFI to tether camera directly into LR. This will eliminate latency when viewing shots on set.
-A moiré filter (like Leaf’s software). Moiré is sometimes caused by Leaf back.
-Holding crop information in metadata so can process with and without.