Recent political illustrations, animations, & fruit

The US presidential election is motivating all kinds of creativity, from posters to pumpkins. (And before anyone flips out, let me say that A) I’m trying to be evenhanded in the distribution of links below, and B) I picked things to share based not on political affiliation, but based on creative/graphical interestingness.)


4 thoughts on “Recent political illustrations, animations, & fruit

  1. Interesting on the NYTimes endorsements – They were wrong only 8 times in the first 104 years, and wrong 7 times in the last 36 years. Hmmmm… wonder what changed?
    Kent C
    [I’m not sure that backing the losing candidate makes one “wrong.” The organization is opining, not prognosticating. –J.]

  2. [“I’m not sure that backing the losing candidate makes one “wrong.” The organization is opining, not prognosticating. –J.]
    Fair enough. Perhaps ‘not in touch with the public sentiments’ would have been more precise, which is evidently reflected in their current financial situation, where their stock fell to a level when the last time they were righ…er… backed the guy that won:
    In contrast to the ‘brokers’ hands on the face’ we have the image from the NYTimes of whom some may say were the cause:;
    After it became obvious that it might not be the ‘right’ image for the time, the Times pulled that picture (easier than photoshop 😉 and opted for the more somber (except for a few):;
    Kent C

  3. Hello Jack,
    I am glad that photoshopCS4 proclaims neutrality in the world of ongoing change; that recent political illustrations serve the creators of such work, work that allows for diverse eye views of the political spectrum.
    My last blog deals with Chief Pastors in American Presidents. I know it will drive the agnostic/atheists wild, but thank God (no pun intended) for freedom of speech and thought.
    Ken in KY

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