I’m very happy to see that you can now read Scott Kelby’s Photoshop Insider blog right within PS CS4. Check out Scott’s post for more info & the download link. The panel was created with the help of Configurator. (For similar panels that let you read Julieanne Kost’s blog and mine inside PS, see previous.) [Via Bryan O’Neil Hughes]
Perhaps it might be possible to play tutorials. Picture this, having a tutorial playing right there in the panel while working & following along in PS. Oh happy days.
Or, what if this feature was linked to the help section in PS.
I have to tell ya, I’m not happy with this bit of news.
When I tried to install this the Extension Manger began crashing over and over again. Once I uninstalled Dr. Brown’s Lenticular tutorial (on a hunch), it stopped crashing on startup, but when I try to do anything, it crashes.
It’s gotten to the point I decided to reinstall it. I can’t even check it’s version by pulling down the “About Extension Manager” menu. I crashes.
I have the installers for 2.1 and 2.0 and neither will install it again. (OS X 10.5.6). It tells me I have to install it with the program that originally installed it. But it doesn’t bother to tell me what installed it. I have CS4 Design Premium (the download version of the upgrade) and there is no Extension Manger installer.
What do I install again to get it back? Dreamweaver? Photoshop?