Work travel + toddler + iPad paraphernalia…

I swear I didn’t pose this. Our little guy was a little sad that I finally got back in the work-travel saddle this week. His response on the other end of the trip made homecoming pretty sweet.

8 thoughts on “Work travel + toddler + iPad paraphernalia…

  1. What’s that attached to your bluetooth keyboard? Was he getting into the bag to say, ‘take me with you’ or ‘you’re not leaving!’ Cute guy. πŸ™‚

  2. John,
    Thank goodness he favors his mother. Not that you should paranoid, but all the back channels at Adobe,most are saying you have a “apple like look”, with our apologies to the fruit family.
    Ken in KY

  3. Strobist info?
    Available light?.
    How could you leave that cutie?
    [Heh–thanks. It’s just available light + some dodging/burning in Lightroom. –J.]

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