Here’s more info.
By the way, Hulu recently posted some info on why they prefer Flash Player to HTML5:
We continue to monitor developments on HTML5, but as of now it doesn’t yet meet all of our customers’ needs. Our player doesn’t just simply stream video, it must also secure the content, handle reporting for our advertisers, render the video using a high performance codec to ensure premium visual quality, communicate back with the server to determine how long to buffer and what bitrate to stream, and dozens of other things that aren’t necessarily visible to the end user.
I have many gripes about Flash (tend to use Flash blockers when browsing), but this use of Flash is impressive and is exactly the kind of thing Adobe needs to show to make Flash seem like something we want rather than something we put up with when we have to.
Wasn’t Flash already on the TV with the PS3?
enjoy your vacation, not us numb nuts who have no life….as you know, you got one family. Invest all you got in them…..just an ole timer that got it upsided by nutty mind.
Ken in KY
[Thanks, Ken. Sitting on a balcony in the woods, enjoying it now. 🙂 –J.]
Hulu should differentiate between “customer” needs and “partner” needs. HTML5 video (as an option, like YouTube provides) would almost undoubtedly meet customer needs. Now, partner needs are absolutely a reason to reject a platform, but they should just say that.
“HTML5 is not an option for us because we cannot secure the video in a way that is acceptable to the folks who provide us with content”
Don’t tell me its because I, as an end user, see benefits from Flash that outweigh, as an end user, my issues with the platform.
Of course, one might argue that protected intellectual property would not be freely available in non-pirated form without the protection features in place…
And I have to say, having a box in the middle of the screen with no video allowed to be played in it might have an effect on the end user. Html 5 can play video. Can it play your favorite Tv shows? 🙂
I think Hulu is definitely making the right choice. But I am sure they are not overlooking the fact that with Flash on Android, they can actually start reaching mobile users with little to no work. Switching to HTML 5 on the other hand would surely cost them significant development time and money.
Long live Flash!
Let’s wait for a shipping version of Flash on Android before we get too excited about it.
What they are saying is that they want to retain access to the DRM in Flash (and I’m not sure how that squares with “open”).
The content will get pirated by the torrents crowd, regardless of any of this.
It’s the honest Joe (or Jim) that gets punished.
Frankly, I’m not in any hurry to see Eric Schmidt have access to my family’s media devices, cross referenced to email and search history. Not that I’m wearing a tinfoil hat, just that he has shown a complete disregard for the common American desire for personal privacy (except his own, of course).
Hulu needs flash, that is why they prefer it…
I think users prefer torrents rather than Hulu. Adobe has to do something dramatic for Flash to be trusted again. I actively Flashblock. Ads that use flash are crazy annoying, and I am tired of slow scrolling and hot laptops because some flash app is going nuts.
okay, but to be fair, designers getting a terminal case of Flashturbation is not Adobe’s fault.
Adobe’s not holding a gun at their head making them design sites that are flash only, useless to anyone who’s visually impaired, that break forward/back clicking, have 245235 flash ads per page and so on.
Flash content load stalls, (which happen even with 10.1)? That is Adobe’s fault.
People doing incredibly stupid things with Flash? Not Adobe’s fault.
As well, who are you going to blame for those asinine HTML(5)/CSS ads that slide across your screen, ooze down, grow out, and all the rest of it?
Will it be Adobe’s fault because those sites were built with Dreamweaver? No.
I have no problem, none at all for bagging on Adobe when it’s their fault, but craptacular design decisions are not their fault.
I would like to point out though, that because Hulu requires DRM, that means that you can only use Adobe Flash players with it, because as “open” as Flash is, it’s only *mostly* open, not *fully* open.
But i’m sure that’s just an oversight.
This whole “we love freedom of choice” thing is downright embarrassing to witness.
[Please elaborate. To me, the whole “we’re so enamored of one particular company that we’re incapable of imagining anything better” thing is the embarrassment (and I say that as a very enthusiastic long-time Mac user). –J.]
Okay, outside of the immediate CS Suite, (we’ll discount Acrobat, that’s just too easy), why is it a Windows/*nux world only in Adobeville?
Considering the LiveCycle servers don’t require anything that you can’t run on Mac OS X Server, (or doesn’t ship *as a part of* Mac OS X Server), i’ve never heard even an attempt at an explanation.
Okay, i was asking someone from the Acrobat team, and we both know how that team feels about Mac users.
[The Mac’s low penetration in enterprises is Adobe’s fault? Yeah, and we must’ve killed off AIX and WebObjects, too. –J.]
I’ll bite. From my classroom blog the day Adobe launched the campaign:
“You guys know how excited I am about CS5 and how much I love using Adobe’s products, but dang, if any of you drew such a pitiful heart, I’d send you straight back to the computer to fix it.”
— From the 0513 update to
You gotta admit, John, it is an embarrassingly oddly shaped, asymmetrical representation of a universally recognized symbol. (Well, maybe just in the Western World.)
What would Milton Glaser say? 😉
BTW, 250 students and their teacher are loving CS5!
I knew you couldn’t resist that John. So tell me why, when one of the livecycle guys blogs about how the *Number one* request for the forms designer ES product, (the one that ships in Acrobat Pro for Windows only), from *customers* is for a Mac version, their answer?
Crossover Mac. Yeah. Run it in WINE. Of course, would that solution, *from adobe* be supported *by* Adobe?
No. Not at all, don’t be ridiculous. The Acrobat team does not support Macs in business.
But, they’ll tell you to use a half-arsed solution, rather than respond to customer demand they don’t like.
Also, are you actually aware of the listed requirements for LiveCycle, and how that stacks up against a standard Mac OS X Server install?
Where’s the outrage about Hulu’s discrimination against the Android platform?
Adobe’s CEO:
Hulu is a legal issue. It’s a great app, we understand the interest, but there’s content licensing issues that prevent it for global or even mobile devices. It’s not something that is a technical issue at all.
Is it OK with Adobe that a mobile device which has now been put on the same level as a PC (full web + Flash 10.1) is arbitrarily blocked?
[I don’t know that anything is “arbitrary.” Licensing rights for TV, music, and movies are, for better or worse, very complicated, and simply getting the ability to broadcast over the Web is a huge step forward. –J.]