Imaging geniuses: Photoshop wants you

If you’d like to develop amazing tech like Content-Aware Fill & bring it to millions of people, the Photoshop team may have a job for you.  They’re looking for an experienced imaging engineer to fill the role of Senior Computer Scientist (req. #13612).

I love working with brainiacs like this, and we have a great track record or productizing research (off the top of my head in the last couple of revs of Photoshop: Content-Aware Fill, Content-Aware Scale, advanced blurring, improved sharpening, Puppet Warp, Auto-Align/Auto-Blend Layers, adaptive wide-angle lens correction, and more).  I think you’d really enjoy working with the Photoshop team to put cutting-edge ideas into practice.

3 thoughts on “Imaging geniuses: Photoshop wants you

  1. Excellent, but I’d have to move (and go back to college for 8 years first).
    Let me know when you have an opening for armchair kvetcher in your Midwest division.

  2. Hopefully the new guy restores the keyboard shortcuts for the curve dialog box to the way it was in CS3.

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