Educators: Adobe wants to talk to you

Adobe will be conducting research over the next several months, seeking to better understand students’ needs:

Adobe is looking to talk to teachers, professors and instructors to gain a better understanding about student assignments, software and technology use.  This unique and fun opportunity will allow educators to work with Adobe and share how technology is being incorporated in the way students complete assignments in their classrooms.  There will be several paid research opportunities.  If you’re interested in these opportunities, please fill out a preliminary screener. You’ll be contacted if you are eligible to participate!

This wave of research is happening in the US only.

2 thoughts on “Educators: Adobe wants to talk to you

  1. I teach multimedia graphic design at a local community college. We teach mostly Adobe programs. Many of our students are older students coming back to college or first time collage students. They have been laid off and are seeking training in a new field. How can we effectively train this particular group? They are not as savvy about technology as our younger “hip” students. But, they do take assignments more seriously for the most part.
    This sounds like a great opportunity for educators to service our students better. The college I work for does not understand our special needs and provides little support.

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