Check it out:
The new Kuler iPhone app allows you to capture inspiring color themes anytime, using the iPhone camera. You can then sync those color themes to the Kuler website, which allows you to create and edit color themes and browse thousands of themes created by other users. All the themes you create with Kuler will be accessible in Adobe Illustrator CC and Ideas.
The Kuler Web app has also been redone in HTML5.
If you have any feedback or questions, we want to hear from you. Please join the conversation on the Kuler forum.
Update: Here’s a quick demo:
Thanks, another slap on the head for Android users. We don’t get enough of those from Adobe.
[Glass half empty. –J.]
Hasn’t Android had a Kuler app for a year or more now? Maybe it isn’t as good as the new iPhone one for some reason but we’ve been waiting a long time for this here in iPhone land.
No sync with Photoshop CC .. or InDesignCC .. or Dreamweaver CC? What’s up with that?
Fantastic! Thanks!
Baller app.
Will there be support for Photoshop CC, or InDesign CC? I know all of there have the Kuler panel in CS6, so I really hope they will be updated to have the syncing functionality.
Great! I made a Kuler app for BlackBerry 10, and it has some similar features. I built it with Adobe AIR and Flex.
Check it out at
Any iPad plans?
Not that it’s a full replacement for the app (that live color theme thing is pretty sweet) but the site now loads great on my iPad now that they’ve remade it sans flash – complete with functionality the iPhone app doesn’t have. If you haven’t, you should check it out!
This is a slick addition to my “ton” of iPhone apps. I noticed that it will run on the iPad; however, I do hope that they develop one for the iPad in the near future.
I learned about it from the Illustrator Beta forum a bit ago, but only now just had a chance to give a spin around the block. I like the interface, and (so far) have not had any problems with its use or functionality.
John, what’s Adobe doing about a native Android version?
[I think that depends on the response they get on iOS & the perceived demand in the market. So far the signs strike me as really encouraging, but I’m not on that team & don’t speak for them. –J.]
Okey dokey. I’m a crossover from iOS, so I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed. Maybe it’s because this version is iOS only, but it looks better than what was available on Android prior.
What “response” will it take for Adobe to change course from its previous announcement in December of no longer developing the Andoid version? The glass is not half empty. Just empty. For those with short memories:
“Over the past year, we’ve been exploring how the creative process can be augmented and enhanced on touch devices. While some of our efforts have been successful, others have been less so. Therefore, starting today, we will no longer be updating Adobe Debut, Adobe Collage, Adobe Proto, or the Android versions of Adobe Ideas and Adobe Kuler.”
I didn’t know about their announcement to no longer support those apps on Android and quite frankly that sucks and that changes my disposition.
These apps were all built using AIR — which is cross platform — so is Adobe really this hard pressed, that they can not support Android?