You think *you’ve* had high-pressure photo situations? Spend a couple of minutes watching this great recreation of how the first earthrise photo was captured. (Hurry up with that damn color film!)
From NASA:
Using photo mosaics and elevation data from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), this video commemorates the 45th anniversary of Apollo 8’s historic flight by recreating the moment when the crew first saw and photographed the Earth rising from behind the Moon. Narrator Andrew Chaikin, author of A Man on the Moon, sets the scene for a three-minute visualization of the view from both inside and outside the spacecraft accompanied by the onboard audio of the astronauts.
See more info on the NASA site. [YouTube] [Via Sebastiaan de With]
Wow. I remember watching Apollo 11 on T.V. and ordering the L.P. record of the conversations and all the pictures it came with off the back of a cereal box… I must have listened to hundreds of hours of sparse conversations and a lot of beeps…. It is amazing how beautiful the Earth is from a distance.