You can download Preview 7 (details) of Adobe’s new Edge Reflow app:
These top requested features are now here: add form elements (buttons, text inputs, selects, checkboxes, radio buttons), links to multipages, view hover, active and focus state and more. Plus, we’ve made visualization easier with our new insertion caret. No more guesswork!
Check out this series of quick getting-started videos, or zero in on just the new stuff here:
[Adobe TV]
I don’t really ‘get’ Edge Reflow.
It looks fancy and useful and all – but from what I understand, it is only meant to be a ‘proof of concept’ sort of thing at this point?
It doesn’t export production ready HTML and specifically tells you not to use it for client work – so what is the vision for the end users?
Is it meant only to be a prototyping tool to show clients/coders what the designers vision of what should happen at various media break points? If so – seems like a long way to go to mock-up a site in a tool that in the end can’t be used. Unless I’m just not getting it?
i think the idea is that its such a radical rethink of the entire html editor experience that its necessitates many beta/preview iterations before it would ever be a replacement for what exists now.