Kaleidoscopic bullet time

If Busby Berkley dropped acid, he might make “Fear & Delight”:

PetaPixel writes,

Photographer and film director Naren Wilks created this mind-bending music video by arranging DSLRs around a circular green screen room. When the perspectives of the cameras are combined and synchronized, a “rotationally symmetric, kaleidoscopic world” is created. The song is “Fear & Delight” from the album Puppet Loosely Strung by The Correspondents.

As you’d expect, the making-of is really interesting, especially given the tiny team involved:


[YouTube] [Via]

2 thoughts on “Kaleidoscopic bullet time

  1. that’s very cool normally don’t go much for the kaleidoscope tricks but that one is very interesting being almost the reverse effect of normal bullet time which i am a huge sucker for. especially liked when they started timeshiftimg the layers. good stuff!

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