The Google Nik Collection plug-ins are now free to download

Power to the people!

Starting March 24, 2016, the latest Nik Collection will be freely available to download: Analog Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, Viveza, HDR Efex Pro, Sharpener Pro and Dfine. If you purchased the Nik Collection in 2016, you will receive a full refund, which we’ll automatically issue back to you in the coming days.

We’re excited to bring the powerful photo editing tools once only used by professionals to even more people now.


6 thoughts on “The Google Nik Collection plug-ins are now free to download

  1. Damn it! You mean that I have to download it? Why can’t you folks at Google come to my office and install it for me? This as absurd…you guys are giving away an absolutely wonderful suite of amazing software and I have to take the time to download and install it!

    Seriously, thanks guys. Wonderful offer and software.

  2. I have been using the Nik collection for years and think they are wonderful. No complaints on making it free for new users, but I am concerned that this means the end of development and support for the package. The Google announcement offers no assurance and seems to imply that the products are dead.

  3. If you look at the Help Forum, you’ll see a lot of people (including me) are having problems getting the apps to run after installation (and re-installation). Google needs to take a look at the problems and provide some solutions.

  4. I’ve used the NIK plugins for years. They’re terrific and this release is great news for those who want to try them.

    And maybe not such great news — will there be any further development, or is this the end of the line?

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