Photography: A fun aerial tour of Google Chicago

Okay, I hesitated to share this as I’m allergic corporate self-congratulation, but A) it’s some pretty amazing aerial filmmaking (including in thunderstorms!), and B) the chase of the Androids is just so weird—and get only weirder/funnier as it progresses. That detail reminds me of Khoi Vinh’s smart observation from a couple years back:

Apple fans like myself often criticize Google for doing things that Apple would never do, and Smarty Pins is a prime example of that. Aside from being an unfair criticism, it’s pointless. The fact that Google endeavors to produce silly things like this is on the whole a positive thing, I believe. It’s acting according to its own compass, which is what every company should be doing.

Props to Joey Helms & crew.


[Via Alex Osterloh]

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