Let there be light

//na// Hitting Opt-Shift-Y*, switching to Luminosity:

  • Rock and Royal makes crazy bespoke lighting–chandeliers & mosaics as skulls, pistols, globes–you name it. [Via]
  • The folks at the Baltimore Museum of Industry really like light bulbs.  I mean, they really like ’em–to the tune of collecting more than 50,000 historic bulbs. Catherine Wagner spent two years in residence there, photographing "A Narrative History of the Light Bulb."  Here’s a small gallery of her images. [Via]
  • Enjoy wearing clothes, but wish they consumed more natural resources?  Try Lumigram’s luminous clothing. [Via]
  • The crew at Universal Everything created a "software-based realtime wind tunnel" to make bits of light silhouette the new Audi TT. [Via]

* In a blog full of obscure nerdery bits, this is quite possibly the most obscure and nerdy thing I’ve yet said–quite an accomplishment, don’t you think?

0 thoughts on “Let there be light

  1. So the majority of Photoshop customers fully appreciate the nerdery, why not say Alt Shift Y?
    [Ah, but doesn’t the Mac being a (somewhat) smaller set of users mean that Opt is even that much more obscure & nerdy? –J.]

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