New podcasts: JNack Explains it All

On the insane off chance that you aren’t hearing enough from me already, you can tune into some new podcasts:

  • Inside Digital Photo is a new program from Popular Photography & Inside Mac creator Scott Sheppard. In the latest episode (recorded at Photoshop World last week) I spoke with Scott about all things Photoshop, Bridge, Camera Raw, and Lightroom.  Scott also recently spoke with Lightroom peeps Tom Hogarty & George Jardine.
  • Tips From the Top Floor is a digital photography podcast hosted by Christoph Marquardt. We chatted today about Photoshop, hitting features big and small & talking a bit about the future. (Look for the various subscription links below the intro text, or click little Play button to listen right on the page.)
  • I also spoke with Justin Seeley of, demoing some of the new CS3 features for a video podcast.  I don’t yet see it on the site, but I’d expect it to appear there soon.

0 thoughts on “New podcasts: JNack Explains it All

  1. Yep, did hear you on Inside Digital. And Justin hasn’t updated yet. By the way, his tutorials are quite good. He gets alot said/done in just a couple of minutes. It’s really useful & usable info and well presented.

  2. I just had to tell you the Acrobat 3D and PS X ( my name for ps3 extended) eseminar that you all just had was just perfect. Excellent! Excellent! Good work- keep it up.
    [Cool, glad to hear it. I’ve forwarded that comment to the people involved (and to their bosses, for good measure ;-)). –J.]

  3. The interview with John is now posted on My thanks to John for coming on the show.
    [Solid–thanks for the heads-up, Justin, and for having me on the show. –J.]

  4. Great interview. I, like many, have studied up on CS3, but it was cool to hear about some new stuff — for example, CS3s new ‘auto-convert to to sRGB for web exports’ feature.
    The overall “behind-the-scenes” look at Adobe was intriguing as well.
    I have to say, though, when he asked you about the European price points, *I* got nervous for you! Don’t get me wrong, I personally feel Adobe’s price points are completely justifiable (spend $1k on software, make $50k using that software, you get the idea). Anyway, back to prices, look — I live in China, and if you go to (Apple China) and spec out _anything_, it’s 20-50% more than the US prices. Different markets produce different price points. Sorry Europe!
    Nice interview, could have listened to more.
    [Cool, glad to hear it. –J.]

  5. I’m a keen reader of your blog.
    I also the “Declencheur” podcast which is the most popular podcast on photography in French ( Declencheur has been in the iTunes Top 100 France at least a few days every month since September 2006). Would care to join us for a short interview? I’m sure our listeners would be thrilled.We can record by phone, I imagine we could do a voice-over with a translation.
    Thanks for your time.

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