On the insane off chance that you aren’t hearing enough from me already, you can tune into some new podcasts:
- Inside Digital Photo is a new program from Popular Photography & Inside Mac creator Scott Sheppard. In the latest episode (recorded at Photoshop World last week) I spoke with Scott about all things Photoshop, Bridge, Camera Raw, and Lightroom. Scott also recently spoke with Lightroom peeps Tom Hogarty & George Jardine.
- Tips From the Top Floor is a digital photography podcast hosted by Christoph Marquardt. We chatted today about Photoshop, hitting features big and small & talking a bit about the future. (Look for the various subscription links below the intro text, or click little Play button to listen right on the page.)
- I also spoke with Justin Seeley of PhotoshopQuicktips.com, demoing some of the new CS3 features for a video podcast. I don’t yet see it on the site, but I’d expect it to appear there soon.
Yep, did hear you on Inside Digital. And Justin hasn’t updated yet. By the way, his tutorials are quite good. He gets alot said/done in just a couple of minutes. It’s really useful & usable info and well presented.
I just had to tell you the Acrobat 3D and PS X ( my name for ps3 extended) eseminar that you all just had was just perfect. Excellent! Excellent! Good work- keep it up.
[Cool, glad to hear it. I’ve forwarded that comment to the people involved (and to their bosses, for good measure ;-)). –J.]
The interview with John is now posted on PhotoshopQuicktips.com. My thanks to John for coming on the show.
[Solid–thanks for the heads-up, Justin, and for having me on the show. –J.]
hey john,
i think it should be really interesting for you and photoshop team:
..even if it seems it’s a micros~1 technology :p
[Thanks–I’ll check it out. –J.]
Great interview. I, like many, have studied up on CS3, but it was cool to hear about some new stuff — for example, CS3s new ‘auto-convert to to sRGB for web exports’ feature.
The overall “behind-the-scenes” look at Adobe was intriguing as well.
I have to say, though, when he asked you about the European price points, *I* got nervous for you! Don’t get me wrong, I personally feel Adobe’s price points are completely justifiable (spend $1k on software, make $50k using that software, you get the idea). Anyway, back to prices, look — I live in China, and if you go to apple.com.cn (Apple China) and spec out _anything_, it’s 20-50% more than the US prices. Different markets produce different price points. Sorry Europe!
Nice interview, could have listened to more.
[Cool, glad to hear it. –J.]
I’m a keen reader of your blog.
I also the “Declencheur” podcast which is the most popular podcast on photography in French (http://www.declencheur.com Declencheur has been in the iTunes Top 100 France at least a few days every month since September 2006). Would care to join us for a short interview? I’m sure our listeners would be thrilled.We can record by phone, I imagine we could do a voice-over with a translation.
Thanks for your time.