Last year Adobe released a series of digital photography guides to great acclaim from the photographic community. Lots of folks chimed in with requests for more of the same, so I’m glad to report that a new 41-page title, Getting Started in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, is available as a free PDF download. The high-res version is illustrated with 65MB (!) of beautiful images, while the lower-res version is around 1/10th the size. [Via]
Can’t figure out where or to whom I should address this question, but because it relates to Lightroom, I thought I’d stick in here.
I’ve read a lot about new things coming with the next release of Lightroom. Do you have any idea if this will be something we’ll have to purchase (like CS3 over CS2) or something we can download to add to our current Lightroom – like a patch or update?
Thank you John for that link. I am just getting tired of everybody else ‘how to’ book on Adobe products. I feel like I am getting the straight info from your stuff, rather than more advertising for other people. After a while it gets boring to hear about how great Scot is. Humility is good for the soul.