Portrait of the Artists as Minifigs: the Young Woz & Jobs Lego set. [Via] (For a little Apple/MS balance, the weirdos commenting about Bloods & Crips might enjoy Bill Gates thug life; the splayed fingers really make the shot.)
Also comprised of small blocks are these unusual mosaics:
Albanian artist Saimir Strati creates huge portraits using nails and toothpicks. Check out the making of his 880-pound Leonardo nail mosaic on his site. [Via]
Slightly visually related: Frustrated that Google Maps wouldn’t flag the Royal College of Art, Robert Sollis created the "Google Carpet" to get the job done. [Via]
Like Nicholas, Kako Ueda works in paper. The beautifully detailed Memento Mori looks to have crawled out of Donnie Darko’s subconscious–or possibly a Gnarls Barkley video. [Via]
Jason Bruges Studio’s Wind to Light –a system of 500 mini wind turbines–beautifully "explore[s] the power of the wind in the city, visualising it as an ephemeral cloud of light." [Via]