The InDesign folks asked me to pass along the news that a problem that bedeviled ID CS3/CS4 users on Mac OS X 10.5–namely, that the Cmd-H keyboard shortcut wouldn’t work (or couldn’t be undone)–has been fixed by Apple’s 10.5.6 update. Thanks to all the folks at Apple and Adobe who worked together to get things sorted out. [Via Michael Ninness]
Awesome! I wonder if this will also fix the same issue in Flash CS4, can’t wait till tomorrow to try it out.
Hallelujahs over here today. No more holding your breath, wondering if InDesign is going to give way.
It’s been a great help now it’s sorted
Offtopic, sort of, but what’s going on with ID CS4 Win?! The UI is completely different colour than the rest of CS4 apps…