More Photoshop CS5 sneaks: Bathing suit removal & more

It’s one thing to hear company reps promote a product, but I’m always more impressed when someone with a solid, independent reputation speaks up. In this case it was Katrin Eismann, highly respected retoucher & educator, showing off how she uses Content-Aware Fill, new lens correction capabilities, and more.

YouTube nerd tip: Here’s how you can tell an embedded video to jump right to a specific point. It’s a little less convenient than using a URL, but it’s still straightforward. Thanks to Rafael Fischmann of MacMagazine Brazil for the tip.

17 thoughts on “More Photoshop CS5 sneaks: Bathing suit removal & more

  1. All I do is hit the play button, then move the scrubbie slider to the time frame I want and give it a couple of seconds and it will start playing from that point.
    I have to say, that I thought CS4 was a must have from a photo restoration & photography view point. After having the chance to work in PS5 these last weeks. I know this is the one that will rock my work flow!

  2. Add “start=xxx” without the quotation marks and substituting the number of seconds for xxx at the end of the video embed string, after the “&” that’s already at the end of the string–and do it in both places that the video embed string appears in the code.

  3. Just when you think Adobe can’t possibly improve Photoshop they hit the ball out of the park with this one!!!
    CS5 is set to be MASSIVE!!!
    John, I don’t know how you guys do this, but geez am I glas you do; awesome stuff!!!

  4. John, it’s false advertising, i’ve waited till the end, but your main title is wrong πŸ™‚
    [I know; I’m kind of a bastard that way. πŸ˜‰ –J.]

  5. Wow, is that still only the patch matching stuff from the paper you linked to some time ago? I realized you’d get good results with it, but I didn’t expect it to work that well …

  6. These new tools are great for the image professional. I fail to see how all these improvements aid the average Joe.

  7. @William Hepner: To the best of my understanding (based on using Photoshop for almost 20 years now), Photoshop *is* a tool for the image professional — and not for the average Joe.

  8. Like a chump I’ve been using the clone tool for 15 years and the healing brush for 5 (?) years. I demand to know why content-aware wasn’t released in CS1! Think of the hours/days/weeks I could have saved.

  9. I’d imagine knowing how to use the clone stamp tool will still be necessary. As we saw in this demo, as well as the one with the tree, content aware fill does sometimes leave noticeable artifacts behind. Sometimes its a repeating pattern from elsewhere in the image, other times its a smudged look around borders or distorted shapes. Whether such artifacts are acceptable will of course vary by person, but they’d bug me in my own work.

  10. Definitely glad to see the focus on lens distortion correction. Unfortunately, it looks like this feature wasn’t in the ACR dialog. I guess in the context of going back and working on old photos, which may already be multi-layer files, having this feature in camera raw would not be ideal, but in almost every other usage scenario I can think of, being able to have this distortion handled in the RAW processing recipe seems more efficient and powerful. I’m hoping I’m wrong, but it’s looking like it might not be until CS6 that this arrives.
    [Oh, one never knows… –J.]

  11. Hey John, I still use a G5 computer. Am I going to be out of the loop as of this version of PSCS5 and the next version of Lightroom as well?
    [Sorry, TM–I’m afraid so. –J.]

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