Video: Iron Baby!

If this doesn’t make you grin, I don’t know what would:

Apparent fatherhood/VFX rockstar Patrick Boivin makes my cheap-n’-cheerful parental Photoshoppery seem so anemic, but I love the work nonetheless. [Via Jim Geduldick]

6 thoughts on “Video: Iron Baby!

  1. John,
    I went to you family site and saw you holding your son in your lap.
    By his expression, I think he knew you had been close to an apple. (pun intended)
    Have a nice memorial weekend. My brother was killed flying helicopters in Viet Nam in 1965. Its a special week for his memory.
    Ken in KY

  2. 3D modelling and animating software, video editing software, sound software… photoshop (at a push) could do that for an image – but for a movie you need other stuff. This might have taken 3 people 5 months of very hard work. That’s why its so short. I think they filmed the bunny stuff themselves, so they’ll have needed decent cameras and lights also. They might even have made the bunny outfits.

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