Photoshop 3D PM Zorana Gee & lead engineer Pete Falco, working with expert digital artists, have created new new book 3D in Photoshop, together with a free interactive version for iPad. Zorana writes,
Check out the only book of it’s kind that breaks down everything you need to know about working with 3D in Photoshop. Not only is it written directly by the Photoshop 3D Team themselves but also Photoshop masters, like Bert Monroy, have contributed useful and inspiring tutorials that will benefit any designer wanting to learn 3D.
Further, the team has put together a companion iPad app that takes the first chapter of the book (basic 3D concepts) and added interactive animations to each page to help illustrate the concepts. Scrolling across will read as the first chapter of the book plus interactivity and scrolling down will introduce 15 unique tutorials (only found in the iPad app) that show you how to create all the animations directly in Photoshop CS5 Extended.
I’ve posted a review on Amazon:
…and there’s a brownbag presentation today (October 5, 2010) via the marketing team:
Very interesting article, I have just written about how to make an image look like a Miniture Model in Photoshop plus a great little video, I think you’d like it.
Any way to get the 3d ap on my macbook? Looks exciting and I have the book on order.
An Adobe AIR reader is in the works and you’ll be able to read these apps on your desktop and other mobile platforms. More info here: