8 thoughts on “Nik provides free 64-bit CS5 updates

  1. As far as I can see, the updates are not free. In fact the upgrade for the complete set of Color Efex Pro is $150.
    Please tell me I’m wrong.
    [Any owners of the current version of each plug-in can download the update for free. Customers who don’t have the current versions can upgrade. –J.]

  2. Danny – I think they are indeed free. If you go to their Support > Updates page and click through the “Details” links, you’ll see some of the latest versions are for 64 bit. Does require registration though AFAICT.

    1. i mean… as there is no 64 bit version for v2 it´s clear that you have to upgrade to v3 first before you can get the free update 🙂

  3. it´s time.
    dont know what took sooo long to port them to 64 bit. other companys xdo this in a faraction of time.

  4. Still waiting for Define and Sharpener Pro to move to 64bit (hopefully soon). Until then, Aperture and Photoshop still move in 32 bit. 🙁 Just too much of a hassle to quit/restart into either 32 or 64 bit to work with images.

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