4 thoughts on “Lightroom 4.2 now available

  1. Any information on why the Camera Raw 7.2 updater isn’t being made available as a standalone download? This presents a big inconvenience for those of us who need to deploy the update to a large number of computers and who don’t use AAMEE for updates.

  2. I can’t even get it to update on my desktop. Keeps failing with
    Photoshop Camera Raw 7.2
    Installation failed. Error Code: U44M2P7
    ah ha: reinstalling CS6 fixed the updating proble.
    one thing Adobe might note: the update does NOT remove 7.1, so there are now apparently 2 installed versions. This might not be for the best. Don’t know I removed 7.1 to a safe place before starting Bridge

  3. Note to Chris:
    I share the problem you have, but installing it on one machine puts ‘the file’ you want into the plugin folder. You can copy that and put it on another machine I think.

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