Happening worldwide November 4th–11th, 2013:
Behance Portfolio Reviews bring members together at events in cities and towns around the world—organized by members, for members. Attend a Portfolio Review to present and get feedback on your work, hear from experienced professionals, and meet your local creative community.
- Welcome & Spotlight (20 minutes): Short and inspiring presentation, curated by your host.
- The Portfolio Reviews (60 minutes): Attendees break into small groups to have their work reviewed.
- Mingle, Network & Drinks: Stick around to mingle and connect with your peers and industry leaders.
I believe this description is somewhat misleading (or very misleading, depending on your expectations). It was a while ago since I attended one but in the one I went to the “break into small groups to have their work reviewed” did not happen; what happened was that the organizer pre-selected some designers to have their work publicly reviewed and that was it for the review part, or at least officially. People not preselected did not get reivews, and if you were pre-selected but missed your spot you didn’t get reviews either.