A beautiful "Berlin Hyper-Lapse"

Shahab Gabriel Behzumi shot for six days, then produced this rather eye-popping piece.

He writes,

I had to import and customize the NEF files before I equalized them with the great LR-Timelapse from Gunther Wegner. (Adobe Lightroom is necessary) The observed JPEG had then to be droped into virtual dub and were rendered as AVI. When this was done, I had to stabilize the sequences manually frame by frame (AE motion tracker) and rendered each of them in 3 different sizes: (4928×3264 pixels, 1920×1080 pixels, 1024×768 pixels) Last but not least the snippets were edited fitting to the beautiful title “Diving Through The Blue” by the respectable composer and musician Valentin Boomes.

2 thoughts on “A beautiful "Berlin Hyper-Lapse"

  1. Not my kind of viewing pleasure. It made me wonder whether I was on drugs — I think the frame frequency has just given me epilepsy.

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